Saturday 8 October 2016

Chapter 2: So If The Son Sets You free, You Will Be Free Indeed

I feel free. Like I can breathe clearer and my mind isn't a constant mess. It's like the world has become that much more full of life. I'm sure if you stared into my eyes, flames would be staring right back.

This. This is what life feel like when you let the Holy Spirit consume you. We had Kenny Peavy speak in our school this week. He spoke truth after truth about what it means to know who you are and to lead out of that place. It wasn't even what he said that amazed me, but more of how he carried himself. When you walk knowing you are loved child of God, you literally invite everyone around you into doing the exact same thing.

I am passionate about people remembering who they are. I had this revelation a couple weeks ago that people didn't need to be given identity, they just needed to rediscover it. It's buried beneath our lies and sin and it's begging to be known. It was given to us long before we were born. It is familiar and always feels right.

As we prayed and worshiped this week with Kenny, I saw so many of our students walk a bit more in who they were. I love watching people worship. I love when you see that switch of nervousness and caution turn into letting go. Finally not caring what anyone thinks about them, they just shake off the fear of man and begin worshiping whole heartedly.

The connection of fear of man to identity is astounding. There have been countless times-- and there still is-- where I wouldn't say something or wouldn't do something because I'd either be straight up afraid or subconsciously afraid of what others would think. It's stopped me from doing things I love like singing in front of others and has even effected small things like from wearing an outfit I liked but was afraid it wasn't actually stylish. It's insane how much we care without even realizing it and how we drag down the ones who don't. Literally. We judge the people who seem "weird" and are shocked and appalled at the people who say something taboo when everyone else is secretly thinking it anyway. I don't want that in my life. I want freedom.

It's really such an awesome thing when you can feel the Holy Spirit take you to this place of freedom where you don't care. It can change everything. I pray for me and the students this quarter to have that. This culture of not caring and not caring that others are not caring (I don't even know if that makes sense) I really do believe it can start with worshiping freely. I think the Lord really honors that. Well at least I've felt that in my own life and more than anything I hope everyone else can feel it too.

- Abby

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