
the land of smiles

From Dec 2013 to March 2014 I had the chance to visit and volunteer in Thailand

I left home September 2013 a scared somewhat naive individual who hated the thought of giving up personal comfort and loathed the idea of having to leave their safe little corner of the earth. The words “risk” and “adventure” weren't even in my vocabulary. I was fine with being fine.

Going to new places— especially Thailand— changed that for me.

Thailand is so different from my world back home that the lack in similarities is remarkable. It’s not a dangerous place, far from it, it’s just different.

Living there for 3 months gave me a chance to fall in love with a land and people other than my own. I got the chance to make friends with local Thai girls who’s smiles warm ever single inch of your soul. I also ate more sticky rice and fired basil than humanely possible. It was incredible.

I was in such awe of just how creative God was, and how he made each person and land so different and unique from each other. There were nights spent on a Chiang Rai balcony that I just could not fathom how beautiful Thailand was and how there are so many other beautiful people and places I have not yet discovered.


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