Sunday 26 April 2015

The School Has Begun


The AWAKEN girls go for Pizza
One thing that always stuck with me at the end of my DTS was something my beautiful Norwegian friend Malin said while standing in front of our bright eyed graduating class:

"If God the creator of the universe created time, then why do I even worry about never having enough of it?"

This spoke straight to my heart. Why? Because like her and so many others I sometimes let the busyness of life keep me at a constant state of frantic. I don't have time to be frantic, I want to enjoy all the little things, especially now that the DTS has begun!

Ohana Court first day
worship and prayer with Isaac and Rosie

We are now two weeks into the AWAKEN April DTS here at YWAM Kona. I'm pinching myself. It's finally here.

I Abby Eastman from Canada has officially begun the process of staffing a DTS. WOOTWOOT. I'm taking it all in, one deja vu at a time. So many moments have passed where I realize that I am going though the process of DTS again but this time with a totally different perspective. I am here to mentor but at the same time to learn. I really can't imagine not learning especially now that I have 35 new faces surrounding me, all with eager hearts to learn and share. I can't stop smiling when I speak to any of the 35 students in the April AWAKEN school, simply because I know that they are going to be so changed when these 6 months are over. They already are changing -- everyday, and I am blessed to be able to walk along side them as they do.

My amazing student Sarah has been filming a video for our school each week so here's both week 1 and week 2. Watch em. She is so talented, plus her videos do a waaay better job of depicting what a DTS actually looks like. I could sit here trying to put my thoughts into words for hours attempting to give you a fragment of what it's like here in Kona, but a visual will speak volumes louder.

Oh and my lovely student Morgan Wright took these picture.

Until next time


"Say yes and you'll figure it out afterwards"
- Tina Fey

Song of the week: Josh Garrels - Heaven's Knife

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