
Tiny tidbits about me

name: abby

age: 21

location: canada/ la

what to expect: updates about my life, pretty pictures of the places I've had the privilege to visit and random posts on just about anything I find interesting or relevant in this life full of wonders

ambitions: to follow the wonderfully crazy plan God has for my life, fill my passport with an assortment of stamps, smile as often as possible and make my parents proud.

hobbies: baking cupcakes, watching hockey, smiling,  watching movies, reading lovely novels

obsessions: peach green tea lemonade (grande light ice),  Ed Sheeran, super hero movies, movies in general, Jane Austen, laughing at the “what ifs”, subway, folk music, singing low harmonies, Lorde, Kate Middleton, batting my eye lashes, seven eleven, God.

mission: currently a missionary with YWAM LA

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end
Ecclesiastes 3:11

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