Sunday 8 February 2015

A Sky Full of Stars

across the earth, tear down the walls

Thursday night worship in the Ohana court
The night skies in Kona are much different than the ones back home in Canada. Fewer streetlights and fewer people means that each night when the clouds permit, you see an extraordinary array of stars. Every time I look at them I am in utter awe of how creative God is and how faithful he's been to bring me back to the island. I've been trying for a couple weeks to spot the big dipper because truth be told, it's the only constellation I know. I haven't seen it yet but I know it's there. I saw it last summer, magnificent and slightly slanted in the night sky. But I'm here for awhile. I will find it again.
The plaza of the nations

These past two weeks was in lack of a better word "interesting". People keep telling me that the Leadership Track is a time where you are challenged to really just let God take a hold of every single part of your life and let him help you deal with the deeper issues you got going on. Funny enough I'm finding out that they're right. These recent weeks have been a HUGE process of "re-finding"  my identity. I've always to some degree known who I am but lately I've had the chance to dig deeper. It's been hard: searching through a mess of things to really find the truth but it's so worth it. If you asked me who I was a week ago I could tell you but not an ounce of belief would be behind my words. Ask me now and though my confidence may seem shaky I think I could look you in the eye and tell you straight up and I am proud of that fact.  
Hiding in the fish net we built.

In work duties news: I'm actually kind of enjoying working on the farm. Cindy, one of my supervisor, is a literal angel. Her passion and patience makes working on the farm slightly more enjoyable. I still don't have enough confidence to reach under a chicken and grab an egg but I'm working on it. Me and three other girls built a fish net for the aquaponics system. We basically designed and built it entirely by ourselves. I think it looks like a circular hockey net but apparently to the people who work at in aquaponics it's an "answer to prayer".

Also in exciting news: I am now officially staffing the April Awaken DTS. It felt like one of those moments when everything just clicked and I knew in an instant that this was going to be a good thing. Before coming to Kona I would sit in bed and would wonder what it was going to be like to mentor students. Students who have come from various backgrounds and situations but all have a passion to know God on a deeper level. Will I be good enough and strong enough? I do hope for their sake and my own I that I am. Don't worry though. I will be. I 'm not doing this alone.

- Abby   


"Feel the fear and do it anyway"
- Susan Jeffers

Song of the Week: Elastic Heart - Sia

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