Wednesday 26 November 2014



I guess the proper way to start off  any blog is with a "welcome". One that oozes heart and gratitude towards its readers, for I am tremendously happy that someone has actually taken the time to read these words. So welcome friends, family and whoever else that has managed to stumble upon this collective place for my thoughts and feelings -- to you I am eternally grateful.

Anyway, I am starting this blog for one simple reason: to inform. As some of you may know I have had the incredible chance to travel over the past year with a missions organization called Youth With A Mission or YWAM for short. I've kept a photo blog while I was away and though it may suffice, I think a written one will give a clearer perspective on what exactly I am doing.

In early January of next year I will be packing my bags (hopefully not exceeding the 50 pound weight limit) and boarding a plane with a one way ticket to Kona, Hawaii. There I will once again be involved with YWAM as I join their staff team with their rather large base in Kona.

This is a HUGE step in the opposite direction of where I thought my life would be going. Two winters ago I was filling out university application forms to pursue a Bachelor's in English (this being the first step of my master plan to obtain a  Master's Degree in Library Science-- and yes that's an actual thing). Now I find my myself filling out travel insurance forms so that I can work as an unpaid missionary based out of Hawaii. Crazy huh?

As crazy as it seems to me, this is my life. Every wonderful, amazing, ridiculous, miraculous and sometimes overwhelming to the point I want to cry, moment of these past couple years is my life. It's not perfect but its a blessing and I want to continue to live it to the fullest no matter where I am.

I really don't have a clue about what I want to do with my life in the long term or where it's gonna take me. All I know is what I believe to be my purpose: to love God and others wholeheartedly, and to incorporate that notion into everything I do. I can only hope that during my time in Kona, I am able to do just that.

So yeah, if you want frequent-ish updates on what I'm doing then please, I extend this invitation to you to join me via the WWW and  hopefully by the time you're finished reading each post I write, you are fully informed as to why I find life to be nothing short of wonder filled.

- Abby

"And what a revelation it was when she realized she didn't need to settle"
-Amy Rubin

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